Another Russian Concert at Sydney Conservatorium of Music
In the recent decades we have seen an increased number of publications on Russian vocal music for non-Russian speaking singers. However, they mostly they deal with a very limited number of late XIX – beginning of the XX century composers, while earlier periods of Russian vocal music are hardly known in the West. It is also widely believed that Russian songs require a high degree of professionalism from a singer, so this repertoire should be explored later in the career.
In this recital we are going to perform a range of music from Russian folk songs till the XX century, including compositions by Glinka, Alyabyev, Gurilyov, Varlamov, Verestovsky, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninoff and Prokofiev.
The program includes songs of different levels of difficulty from beginner to advanced; some of them will be performed by children from 7 to 12 years of age.
Free Lunchtime Concert
Come along to another Divas on Demand concert at St.Stephens Uniting Church!
Boheme a piacere
In November 2018 Natalia is going to participate in the new production by Divas on Demand "Boheme a piacere".